Pre-NOAC event offers ‘Labor Day Sabbath rest’
Church of the Brethren Newsline
April 25, 2019
Pre-NOAC event for ministers and spouses
The Office of Ministry is holding a continuing education event on the opening day of National Older Adult Conference (NOAC) titled “Labor Day Sabbath Rest.” The event on Monday, Sept. 2, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., at the Atkins House at Lake Junaluska, N.C., is open to ministers and spouses and all laity. The 50-plus age requirement for NOAC does not apply. Ministers may earn 0.6 continuing education credits.
For the latest Brethren news go to the main Newsline page
The event focuses on preaching and spiritual formation led by Dawn Ottoni-Wilhelm, Brightbill Professor of Preaching and Worship at Bethany Theological Seminary in Richmond, Ind.
“In what ways might preaching be a source of spiritual formation and renewal--not only for congregations but also for preachers?” said an announcement. “How might different ways of sermon preparation awaken a sense of God’s presence and movement among us, particularly during challenging and divisive times? This continuing education event will help participants to cultivate a deeper connection to God’s divine mystery in our lives, sermons, and communities of faith as we explore scripture texts and practices that encourage us to reach through the polarities of our time with hope in the Spirit’s transformative work among us.”
Participants may attend for the day, arrive a day early, or continue their stay in Lake Junaluska and attend the full week of NOAC.
For the one-day event, the all-inclusive cost of $80 per person or $145 per couple includes overnight lodging at Atkins House on Sept 1, breakfast, lunch, and the continuing education certificate.
Cost is $30 per person for those only requiring lunch and the continuing education certificate.
As a bonus, those attending the one-day event will be able to book a room in the Atkins House for the week of NOAC at a cost of $30 per person per night or $50 per couple per night.
Find a brochure with more information and a mail-in registration form at For questions and more information contact Nancy Sollenberger Heishman, director of the Office of Ministry, at 800-323-8039 ext. 381 or
April 25, 2019
Pre-NOAC event for ministers and spouses

For the latest Brethren news go to the main Newsline page
The event focuses on preaching and spiritual formation led by Dawn Ottoni-Wilhelm, Brightbill Professor of Preaching and Worship at Bethany Theological Seminary in Richmond, Ind.
“In what ways might preaching be a source of spiritual formation and renewal--not only for congregations but also for preachers?” said an announcement. “How might different ways of sermon preparation awaken a sense of God’s presence and movement among us, particularly during challenging and divisive times? This continuing education event will help participants to cultivate a deeper connection to God’s divine mystery in our lives, sermons, and communities of faith as we explore scripture texts and practices that encourage us to reach through the polarities of our time with hope in the Spirit’s transformative work among us.”
Participants may attend for the day, arrive a day early, or continue their stay in Lake Junaluska and attend the full week of NOAC.
For the one-day event, the all-inclusive cost of $80 per person or $145 per couple includes overnight lodging at Atkins House on Sept 1, breakfast, lunch, and the continuing education certificate.
Cost is $30 per person for those only requiring lunch and the continuing education certificate.
As a bonus, those attending the one-day event will be able to book a room in the Atkins House for the week of NOAC at a cost of $30 per person per night or $50 per couple per night.
Find a brochure with more information and a mail-in registration form at For questions and more information contact Nancy Sollenberger Heishman, director of the Office of Ministry, at 800-323-8039 ext. 381 or
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