Faculty Position Opening at Bethany Seminbary
Bethany Theological Seminary invites applications for a full-time, tenure-track faculty position in theological studies, beginning July 1, 2020. Rank: open. PhD preferred; ABD considered. The appointee will be expected to develop and teach an average of five graduate courses per year, including the introductory course in theological reflection and advanced courses in an area of expertise. The seminary will consider a variety of areas, with the following of particular interest: theology and the arts, theopoetics, ecological theology, theology and science, peace studies, and intersectional theology. Other duties will include student advising, supervision of MA theses in theological studies as needed, participating in student recruitment, and regular participation in institutional meetings and events. Commitment to the mission and values of the seminary is essential. A detailed posting is available on Bethany Seminary's website. Applications are encouraged from women, Latinx, African-Americans, and other ethnic groups traditionally underrepresented in the seminary professorate. Application deadline is Nov. 1. Interviews will begin in December. Send a letter of application, CV, and names and contact information for three references to Theological Studies Search, Attn: Dean's Office, Bethany Theological Seminary, 615 National Road West, Richmond, IN 47374; deansoffice@bethanyseminary.edu. Bethany Theological Seminary's policy prohibits discrimination in employment opportunities or practices with regard to race, gender, age, disability, marital status, sexual orientation, national or ethnic origin, or religion.
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