Saturday, February 01, 2020


The Winter edition of Trail Thoughts has arrived!

Trail Thoughts is a quarterly resource provided by Church of the Brethren Moderator Paul Mundey.

Written as a pastoral letter, Trail Thoughts addresses topics related to the church in a concise, relevant, yet biblical manner.

The pastoral letter is designed to be used for personal devotions and/or a resource for Sunday School classes, small groups, or congregational committees/teams and publications.

Discussion starters/questions are included with each letter, along with options for “digging deeper,” to encourage engagement and reflection.

Click on the link that follows to access the Winter edition of Trail Thoughts. Two formats are offered for download: one in black and white and one in color.

For an online version of Trail Thoughts, go to

You are encouraged to distribute Trail Thoughts widely, not only as a handout, but also as a bulletin or newsletter insert, along with a posting on your congregation’s website and/or social media sites.

Moderator Paul Mundey’s social media sites follow. Join him on his Moderator journey by accessing one or more of these outlets.

Paul can be reached directly at