Tuesday, September 01, 2020

The Moderator's Column

To My District Faith Family,

We have weeks on the calendar, sometimes even entire months dedicated to this group or that one. We rightly celebrate our nurses, teachers, and first responders. We also honor small businessmen, administrative assistants, and farmers, to name just a few more.

However, do you know what group of people we are about to show appreciation to come October? If you get this answer wrong, “thirty lashes with a wet noodle” awaits you! Plus, maybe a good tongue lashing from your District Moderator! The answer is: October is Pastor Appreciation Month. I’ve been in this District for thirty-five years now and at times my heart has been broken, as I have heard from pastors that not only do they feel unappreciated, but at times they are left to take the blame for whatever may be going wrong at the church.

Across the spectrum of denominations out there, there is a shortage of pastors. One of the main reasons we are losing pastors is a lack of appreciation. I love pastors and the commitment they have to Christ, but also to His Church -your Church! I pray for them daily and so should you. This October I want to encourage you as churches to find creative ways to celebrate your pastor - to lift them up, build them up, to “Gift” them with your appreciation!

Come this October may your Pastor know your love and care for them.

Love y’all,
District Moderator Rick