Thursday, April 01, 2021

Workcamp Registration closes April 15th

Registration for FaithX (formerly Workcamps) 2021 closes one week from today on April 15th. You can view the summer schedule and register today on our website!

Fourteen FaithX experiences are being offered this year, which have been separated into a tier system. There are nine Tier 3 experiences planned for regions around the country, three Tier 2 experiences planned for individual congregations, and two Tier 1 options planned – one contiguous week of Tier 1 and one set of five Wednesdays. This year, FaithX will be open to anyone who has completed 6th grade, with no age cap. We hope this allows people who have been supporters of the ministry in the past an opportunity to experience it themselves!

Registration is open now, but will close on April 15th. Register now or learn more about FaithX this year at our website.

Please reach out us at or give us a call at (847) 429-4386 if you have any question or we can be helpful in anyway. We can’t wait see you at a FaithX this summer!

Chad Whitzel and Alton Hipps
Coordinators of the 2021 FaithX Ministry
(847) 429-4386