Saturday, May 01, 2021

Youth and young adult calendar lists upcoming events to be offered online

Church of the Brethren Newsline
February 26, 2021

An updated calendar of online events for youth and young adults has been announced by the Church of the Brethren’s Youth and Young Adult ministry. Most of the following events were shared in a letter from director Becky Ullom Naugle to youth advisors and pastors ( Information also is being shared via Facebook at

“It goes without saying that virtual events are not the same as in-person events, and I lament with you the loss this represents,” she wrote. “Yet, as we model for others how to find and follow the movement of the Holy Spirit in challenging times, I hope these new online opportunities enrich our faith and the faith of those we walk beside.”

She noted that the National Junior High Conference and Ministry Summer Service will not be offered this year because of complications related to COVID. Ministry Summer Service will resume in 2022, and the next National Junior High Conference will take place in 2023.

Feb. 28 – Deadline for junior and senior high youth groups to express interest in participating in the Youth Fellowship Exchange, an opportunity to connect youth from different congregations for online fellowship. Youth advisors are invited to fill out an interest form at Find out more at

March 7 – The second in a series of Compelling Vision Bible Studies for young adults, junior high and senior high youth, and accompanying adults. These studies will be held in the evenings on select dates through June. Groups as well as individuals are encouraged to attend. “Together” is the theme for the event on March 7, at 8-9 p.m. (Eastern), led by Audrey and Tim Hollenberg-Duffey. Register at

March 14 – Bethany Theological Seminary professor Denise Kettering Lane will lead the third session in the Compelling Vision Bible Studies series, focusing on “as the Church of the Brethren,” on March 14 from 8-9 p.m. (Eastern). Register at‐rqDopHNTMU‐BdDaJ‐bJ6JL5YRGHGt.

March 24 – “Living Letters” art workshop for young adults led by Jessie Houff, Community Arts minister at Washington (D.C.) City Church of the Brethren.

April 11 – “Living Letters” art workshop for junior high youth, led by Houff.

April 24-28 – Christian Citizenship Seminar for senior high youth and adult advisors. This year the theme is “Economic Justice” (Luke 1:51- 53). Online sessions will be held in the evenings. Registration costs $75 per person. For more information and to register, go to

May 2 – National Youth Sunday, an annual event calling congregations to celebrate their senior high youth by inviting them into worship leadership. Theme and worship materials will be posted by March 15 at

May 11 – “Play, on Purpose,” a webinar for youth advisors, led by Dr. Lakisha Lockhart. Continuing education credit will be available.

May 28-31 – National Young Adult Conference for young adults age 18-35. This year’s theme is “Unfolding Grace” (2 Corinthians 4:16-18). Registration opens Feb. 26. Cost is $75 per person. For more information and to register go to

Aug. 1 – “Living Letters” art workshop for youth advisors, led by Houff.

Nov. 7 – National Junior High Sunday, an annual event celebrating junior high youth, encouraging congregations to welcome them into worship leadership. Worship resources will be posted later this summer at

2022 – National Youth Conference. Planning is beginning now for next year’s NYC, a conference held every four years for senior high youth and first-year college students (or those of equivalent age), and their adult advisors.