Online event for clergywomen on July 22 takes place of usual breakfast at Annual Conference
Church of the Brethren Newsline
June 18, 2021
By Nancy Sollenberger Heishman
The Office of Ministry is sponsoring a virtual version of the traditional in-person Clergywomen’s Annual Conference event in the form of a July 22 online “brunch” at 12 noon (Eastern time).Joelle Hathaway, assistant professor of theological studies at Bethany Theological Seminary, will speak on the theme “Poetry and the Spiritual Imagination.”
The event will offer an opportunity for clergywomen (and friends) to gather virtually for fellowship and to also earn 0.1 continuing education units at the same time. Register in advance at–orzwsHtV5Dupz5XKLTGdaFKt43ZmI. Se ofrecerá interpretación en español.
Hathaway received both her master’s degree and doctorate from Duke Divinity School and iscurrently developing new courses for Bethany in theology and the arts and ecotheology. Her research is interdisciplinary; of particular interest is what insights the arts and artistic practice can offer to practices of theological, liturgical, and ecological formation. Her current book project puts the Sabbath poetry of Wendell Berry in conversation with the Christian doctrine of creation. She will present an insight session about this research during the 2021 Annual Conference on July 3at 12:30-1:30 p.m. (Eastern time).

For more information and a link to the Clergywomen’s Brunch go to the Office of Ministry page at
Nancy Sollenberger Heishman is director of the Church of the Brethren Office of Ministry.
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