Monday, November 01, 2021

Updates From Our District Family

A memorial service for Kres Lipscomb, long-time pastor of the Springfield First congregation, was held Oct. 30 at the church. Christy Waltersdorff, pastor at York Center and a good friend of Kres, delivered the eulogy message. A recording of the service is available at Our prayers continue for the Lipscomb family and all those who were touched by his life.

Rick Koch, who has been pastor of the Milledgeville (Dutchtown) congregation for more than three decades, told the church in mid-October of his plans to retire next year. Rick will complete his pastoral service to the congregation on April 24, 2022. Milledgeville is beginning the search process. We are grateful for Rick's long ministry, and wish him well as he makes plans for retirement!

An ordination service and reception will take place the evening of Nov. 28 for Vivek Solanky, licensed minister in the Naperville congregation. Vivek has received a call to become pastor of the Yellow Creek congregation in Northern Indiana District. We rejoice with Vivek in his call and in this significant step in his ministry journey.

A memorial service for Dale Brown, a noted peacemaker and theologian who served as a professor at Bethany Theological Seminary for many years and was formerly a member of the York Center congregation, will take place at 3 p.m. this Sunday, Nov. 7, at Manchester Church of the Brethren in North Manchester, Ind. (with music/slideshow beginning at 2:40 p.m.). Dale passed away Aug. 30 in Lombard. The service will be live-streamed on YouTube at A recording will also be available at that site for later viewing.