Tuesday, March 01, 2022


A district prayer calendar has been created for your use in praying for our district and related programs through the years. We invite you to include the following in your prayers in coming weeks:

Week of March 14: Pray for the Yellow Creek congregation this week, and for their ministry in and around Pearl City.

Week of March 21: In this first week of spring, pray for the district’s Church Revitalization and Development Team, as they work to nurture new life in the district. Pray also for the Ministry Leadership and Discernment Team; the Program & Arrangements Committee; the Gifts, Discernment, and Call Committee; the District “Potluck” Team; and all the other groups who carry out the work of our district.

Week of March 28: Pray for the Canton congregation this week, and for their ministry in and around Fulton County. Pray also for Andrea Garnett, who staffs the district office within this congregation’s walls.

Week of April 4: Pray for the Dixon congregation this week, and for their ministry in and around Lee County. 

Do you have congregational news: celebrations, milestones, “Jesus in the Neighborhood” stories or other things to share with our district family? Please send those to the district office: andreag.iwdcob@gmail.com.