Sunday, May 01, 2022


Zech and Jen Houser of the Highland Avenue Church of the Brethren in Elgin have been approved for ministry in Illinois & Wisconsin District after having previously been licensed elsewhere in the denomination. Their licensing service will take place June 12.

Blaine Miner pastor at the Dixon congregation for the past five years, has announced his retirement effective June 30. Dixon is in the initial stages of forming a search committee.

Christy Waltersdorff, pastor of the York Center congregation, is continuing to recover after suffering injuries from a bad fall on an icy sidewalk about six weeks ago. We pray for her and for the church leadership at York Center as they work to cover ministry needs in her absence. Jonathan Shively will be providing guest pastor coverage for York Center in June and July to assist with preaching and worship planning.

Rick Koch of Milledgeville officially retired April 24 following a special sendoff service followed by a potluck luncheon and a cake reception in the afternoon. Kudos to Rick on a long ministry career, and best wishes in new adventures!