Wednesday, June 01, 2022


  • Zech and Jen Houser of the Highland Avenue Church of the Brethren in Elgin have been approved for ministry in Illinois & Wisconsin District after having previously been licensed elsewhere in the denomination. Their licensing service will take place June 12.
  • Christy Waltersdorff, pastor of the York Center congregation, had hip surgery on June 7, continuing her recovery from a bad fall on an icy sidewalk in mid-February. We pray for her as she works toward healing and resuming her duties at the church. Jonathan Shively is filling in as guest pastor at York Center for June and July.
  • Blaine Miner, pastor at the Dixon congregation for the past five years, will be retiring effective June 30. Dixon is in the initial stages of forming a search committee. Thank you, Blaine, for your service! Blaine will also be the district’s new representative to the Council of Religious Leaders of Metropolitan Chicago.
  • Dana McNeil, pastor at Peoria, is enjoying a sabbatical this summer. Congratulations also to Dana and his wife, Cathy, on their recent 40th wedding anniversary!

  • Becky Shipman and Krista Hernandez, both of the Neighborhood congregation, will be starting studies in the TRIM (Training In Ministry) program of the Brethren Academy for Ministerial Leadership this summer. Diana Verhulst of Franklin Grove will also be starting fully in the TRIM program this summer after having taken some initial courses previously.