Tuesday, November 01, 2022


Spring district pastors/ministers retreat: As noted above, the district’s Ministry Leadership Development Team has scheduled the 2023 spring retreat/continuing education event for clergy April 19-20 at the Bishop Lane Center in Rockford. Watch for more details.

The Ventures in Christian Discipleship program operated by McPherson College will offer a course on Nov. 12 by Brethren pastor Vivek Solanky (formerly of the Naperville congregation). Solanky will speak on “Human Trafficking: A Call for the Church to Respond,” from 10 a.m. to noon Central. And on Dec. 6, Jen Jensen of the denomination’s “Part-Time Pastor, Full-Time Church” program will present a course on “Beyond Burned Out to Boundaries and Balance” from 6-8 p.m. Central To learn more about Ventures in Christian Discipleship and to register for courses, visit www.mcpherson.edu/ventures.

The organization Faith+Lead (through Luther Seminary) has available on demand a 6-hour self-guided course called “Hybrid Ministry in a Post-Pandemic Church,” helping pastors and others think about ways to create a framework for church that engages and connects the entire community. Cost is $75. Learn more and register at https://t.e2ma.net/click/vfs32k/zarqt/3d8o7ab.

Lombard Mennonite Peace Center is offering its one-day Healthy Congregations webinar (via Zoom) on Jan. 26 and March 22 (8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Central), as well as some additional dates in 2023. Cost is $99.  A Restorative Congregations webinar will be presented via Zoom Feb. 23, May 23, and Nov. 2 (9 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Central). Conflict Transformation Skills for Churches will be offered via Zoom April 11 and Sept. 16 (9 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Central). For more details and registration information, and to see other events—including the week-long Mediation Skills Training Institute in Arizona Nov. 14-18—go to https://lmpeacecenter.org/all-events/.

The Brethren Academy for Ministerial Leadership will offer the 8-week online course “Introduction to Educational Ministry” Jan. 11 to March 7 with instructor Gene Hollenberg. It fulfills TRIM credits or provides 2.0 CEU’s. Course fee is $300; registration deadline is Dec. 7.

Other upcoming courses include “Wisdom Literature” by Steve Schweitzer March 15-May 9 (online); “Pathways for Effective Leadership Part 2” by Randy Yoder March 24-25 and April 28-29 (online intensive); and “What Brethren Believe” by Denise Kettering April 19-June 13.

Strength for the Journey: A program from the Brethren Academy for Ministerial Leadership, named “Strength for the Journey,” invites pastors and others serving in ministry to take part in cohort groups for support, encouragement, and accountability.
Three types of cohorts are being formed in 2023: one for chaplains in health care settings, one for those in interim ministry, and one simply for pastors interested in connecting with other pastors around ministry topics—especially pastoral care. Cohorts typically will have five to eight people and meet for 10 to 12 90-minute sessions via Zoom during the year. CEU credits will be available.
The Brethren Academy aims to form the groups by mid-December. Each group will be assigned a convener and will begin meeting after Jan. 1. There is no cost to participate; funding for registration, resources, and some travel assistance if needed is being provided by the David J. and Mary Elizabeth Wieand Trust.
For more details and applications, visit www.bethanyseminary.edu/brethren-academy.

NCP Learning Tours: New Community Project will offer an educational trip to Nepal Jan. 11-22, to South Sudan May 11-22, to the Amazon region of Ecuador June 1-7, to Lybrook, N.M., June 22-28, to Yellowstone and the Grand Tetons July 20-27, and to central and southern Alaska Aug. 7-15. These trips are open to all ages and explore the beauty of and challenges facing God’s creation and God’s children. Learn more at https://www.newcommunityproject.info/learning-tours.