Sunday, October 01, 2023


National Junior High Sunday is Nov. 5. This year’s theme is “Worried and Distracted,” drawn from Luke 10:40-42. Worship resources can be found at Junior High Sunday – Youth and Young Adult ministries (

The next Church of the Brethren Christian Citizenship Seminar, for senior high youth and first-year college students and advisors, will be April 11-16, 2024, in Washington, D.C. Online registration opens Dec. 1 at 12 p.m. Central. Those who register and pay in full by Dec. 31 will receive a free t-shirt! A non-refundable deposit of $250 is due within two weeks of registration in order to hold a spot. The 2024 theme is “And They Fled: Advocating for Just Immigration Policy,” drawing from Matthew 2:13-23. Registration cost is $500. Learn more at

The Midwest's Powerhouse Regional Youth Conference, sponsored by Camp Mack and Manchester University with the help of local districts, will take place Feb. 16-18, 2024, at Camp Mack in Milford, Ind.