Friday, December 01, 2023


A district prayer calendar has been created for your use in praying for our district and related programs through the year (NOTE: The 2024 prayer calendar was recently sent to our district list; if you did not receive a copy and would like one, please contact the district office.) We invite you to include the following in your prayers in coming weeks:

Week of Dec. 18: Pray for the Neighborhood (Boulder Hill) congregation, and for the work of On Earth Peace.

Week of Dec. 25: Merry Christmas, church! Spend time during this special holiday week giving thanks to God for all the gifts we receive, including the gift of Jesus coming to the world at Bethlehem.

Week of Jan. 1: At the start of a new year, pause in silence and ponder where it is that you feel hope for the year ahead. Hold in prayer all the three dozen congregations, two camps, and other ministries that are part of our district as the body of Christ.

Week of Jan. 8: Pray for the Panther Creek congregation in Roanoke, Ill., and for all the work of our denomination’s Youth/Young Adult Ministries office.

Week of Jan. 15: Pray for Brethren Disaster Ministries and its wide-ranging work, for outgoing district disaster coordinator Loren Habegger, and for all those who go out to serve across the country.