Thursday, February 01, 2024


Larry Traxler
, pastor at Cerro Gordo, has been approved for commissioning by the district Ministry Leadership Development Team. Congratulations to Larry on the culmination of a long journey! We look forward to scheduling a commissioning service for him in the near future.

Pastors in the district’s Northwest region will gather Feb. 26 at Mount Morris Church of the Brethren, 2:30-4 p.m., for sharing, light refreshments, and informal fellowship.

Congratulations to Randall Westfall, manager at Camp Emmaus, on his recent completion of the TRIM ministry training program. Randall was recently ordained in the Michigan District, where he previously worked, and we are grateful now for his ministry here! He and his family have joined the Mount Morris congregation.

Anna Lee Hisey Pierson (York Center) was called as vice chair of the district Leadership Team at that group’s most recent meeting. Ed Carper (Canton) is serving as chair this year.

The five-year ethics training and CEU cycle for all ministers will be occurring in 2024-2025. An ethics training session will be held during the spring clergy retreat April 15-16 at Bishop Lane Retreat Center near Rockford. Another in-person training will likely be scheduled in the district at a later date for those unable to attend in April. All ministers should also begin gathering information for their CEU report, which will be due by early 2025.

Congregational vacancies:
  • Cherry Grove: Using regular pulpit supply
  • Girard: Terry Link is assisting in providing pastoral leadership
  • Oakley Brick: David Roe has announced his retirement effective November 2024
  • Springfield First: Bobbi Dykema will be completing her service in March
  • York Center: Christy Waltersdorff has announced her retirement effective December 2024
Grants available: The denomination’s Office of Ministry has shared that grants are available through the Part-Time Pastor, Full-Time Church program for pastors who would like to do a sabbatical or continuing education experience. For more information or an application, contact district executive minister Walt Wiltschek at