Saturday, June 01, 2024


The 2024 Church of the Brethren Annual Conference will take place July 3-7 (plus some pre-Conference meetings) in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Madalyn Metzger, who grew up in the Springfield First congregation, will serve as moderator, with the theme “Welcome and Worthy.”

Daily scripture themes are as follows: Wednesday, July 3: Romans 16:1-4 (CEB) with supporting scriptures from Matthew 5:1-16 (CEB) and Revelation 7:9-10; Thursday, July 4: Luke 1:46-49 (NIV) with supporting scriptures from Jeremiah 1:4-10 and 2 Samuel 9:1-10a; Friday, July 5: Romans 12:3-10 with supporting scriptures from John 15:9-13 and 2 Chronicles 30:18-21; Saturday, July 6: Acts 2:42-47 with supporting scriptures from Ephesians 4:1-6 and 1 Peter 4:8-11; Sunday, July 7: Philippians 2:1-11 with supporting scriptures from Micah 6:8, Zechariah 7:8-10, and Galatians 6:2 and 6-10.

Worship preachers will be moderator Madalyn Metzger on Wednesday; Greg Broyles of Roanoke, Va. (Germantown Brick Church of the Brethren) on Thursday; Brandon Grady of Glenville, Pa. (Black Rock Church of the Brethren) on Friday; Leonard M. Dow, vice president of Community and Church Development for Everence and previously pastor of Oxford Circle Mennonite Church in Philadelphia on Saturday; and Cindy Laprade Lattimer of Huntingdon, Pa. (Stone Church of the Brethren) on Sunday morning.

Nathan Hollenberg of Broadway, Va., is serving as the Program and Arrangements Committee liaison to the worship team, which also includes Founa Augustin Badet of Delray Beach, Fla.; Calvin Park of Knoxville, Md.; and Amber Harris of Winston-Salem, N.C. The music coordinator is Seth Crissman of Harrisonburg, Va.; choir director is Julie Richard of Finksburg, Md.; and pianist is Jocelyn Watkins of East Peoria, Ill. The organist is Robin Risser Mundey of Frederick, Md., and the children’s choir director is Stephanie Rappatta of Elkhart, Ind.

Advance registration has closed, but participants can still register onsite in Grand Rapids during the Annual Conference week. A virtual participation option is also available, at a rate of $225. New this year is an option for groups and institutions to participate virtually from a common location. For more information go to and select “Virtual.”

Our own Leonard and Vicki Matheny (Peoria First) head up on-site registration. To date, the following Illinois/Wisconsin congregations have registered delegates: Canton, Cerro Gordo, Chicago First, Dixon, Dutchtown (Milledgeville), Freeport, Highland Avenue, Mount Morris, Naperville, Neighborhood, Peoria First, Polo, Springfield First, Woodland, and York Center. Katie Shaw Thompson (Highland Avenue) serves as our Standing Committee delegate this year.

Don Fitzkee (Lancaster, Pa.) and Gene Hollenberg (Nappanee, Ind.) head this year’s ballot as candidates for moderator-elect. Complete biographical information for all nominees is at and will be printed in the Conference booklet.

Volunteers are needed to assist with ticket sales at Annual Conference in Grand Rapids, Mich. This group will handle all onsite ticket sales for catered meal events. Responsibilities begin Tuesday, July 3, at 3 p.m. and end Saturday, July 6, at noon. If you are willing to assist, please sign up for one or more shifts at OR contact Don Anderson, ticket sales coordinator, at