Saturday, March 01, 2025


Registration for Church of the Brethren FaithX short-term service trips is open at The 2025 theme is “Living with Purpose.” The trips challenge participants to become more aware of themselves, their communities, and their world by serving alongside others following Christ’s example.

This coming year, FaithX participants will have the opportunity to serve in a variety of ministry and non-profit settings, live and worship in community, explore a new place, examine their values and beliefs, and have too much fun! A summary of the 2025 trip locations, with descriptions and pricing information, is at

The summer offerings include two junior high trips, four joint junior high/senior high trips, two senior high trips, one family experience July 25-27 at Camp Mardela in Maryland, and two adult trips (including an international venture to Uganda). A few of the summer trips have already filled, so check out the remaining openings and register soon if interested.