Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Leadership Team

February Update

"The purpose of the Illinois/Wisconsin District of the Church of the Brethren is to support the growth and development of the member churches."

The Leadership Team met at the Peoria Church of the Brethren on Saturday, February 5, 2005. Dana McNeil, Pastor of the Peoria congregation led opening devotions and shared the joys of his congregation. Here is a brief update from our meeting. If you have further questions, please contact your liaison or give me a call. Thank you for your support as we continue to do the work of Jesus Christ in this district.

- Christy J. Waltersdorff, chair


We approved a very positive treasurer's report which included an end of the year report for 2004. This report reflected generous giving by congregations and individuals. Thank you to all who have supported the district financially in the past year. The Leadership Team is committed to "living within our giving."

  1. District Executive, Jim Yaussy Albright, shared an update on the current insurance crisis in the Brethren Medical Plan. An Insurance study
    committee will be called to assist the district in making decisions about insurance issues.
  2. We will have three focus areas for our ministry in the coming year. The areas and related ministry teams include:
    • Financial: Funding team, Insurance team
    • Growth and Renewal: District Covenant team, Revitalization team
    • Communication/Community Building: District Directory, Newsletter and Website, Youth team, Disaster Response team, Peace team.
The Leadership Team will be responsible for the following ministry areas: Ministerial Leadership Development team, District Deacons, Ethics team, Shalom team, and the Query study committee.

Our next meeting will be on Saturday, March 12 at the Decatur Church of the Brethren.