Sunday, May 01, 2005


Eighteen senior high youth and advisors traveled north to Stanley, Wis., April 1-3 for this year's spring youth retreat. Stanley Church of the Brethren hosted the group, providing a place to sleep and meet, lots of donuts, a chance to participate in worship, and a delicious potluck meal. Youth from the Stanley church joined in for part of the weekend.

Jeff Neuman-Lee of Adel, Iowa, the keynote leader, worked with the national youth theme of "Seeing God" from 1 John 4. Jeff focused on issues of leadership, how we can be the church, and led the youth in a Saturday evening time of worship.

The group went swimming at the local high school, played games, joined in Sunday school, and made new connections with our neighbors to the north. The next retreat will be during district conference, Nov. 4-6 at Springfield Church of the Brethren. We are looking for new youth cabinet

Members for next year. If you'll be in grades 9-12 this fall, ask your pastor for an application form or go to