Friday, April 01, 2005

Polo Church of the Brethren Invites All

The Polo Church of the Brethren is celebrating its 100th Anniversary in many ways. The first event was held December 31, 2004, with a New Year's Eve party at the church, as had been done for many years previously.

The next event will be held April 17. Art Hunn, former pastor of the church for 35 years from 1965 to 2000, will preach for the Sunday morning service at 9:30. During the service, Phyllis Hunn, pianist, and Joyce Person, organist, will play as a "duo" just like they did for most of the years before the Hunns retirement to North Manchester, Indiana. There is a carry-in meal at noon.

At 7:00 pm there will be a piano-organ concert in the church sanctuary by Joyce and Phyllis. This, too, was an annual event for many years. Joyce and Phyllis were pianist and organist for Annual Conference in Milwaukee. Refreshments will be served in the Fellowship Hall following the concert. The Women's Fellowship and the 100th Anniversary Committee are sponsoring this event. You are invited.

A banner has been made that hangs in the sanctuary. It carries the Anniversary theme – "Creating Opportunities in Fellowship and Friendship". A monthly article is published in the local newspaper about the Polo Church history of 100 years, and also its involvement in mission projects such as CROP, Heifer Project, and CWS (Church World Service).

A monthly "highlight", of the Polo Church history, is also presented during worship time. The church newsletter, "The Fellowship Visitor", is featuring a monthly "unique theme" of the church in the editorial. So far, the following topics have been used: the first Eucharist Communion, and the story of its inception; a full-color page of the logo banner, and a descriptive write-up of the symbols on it; and a copy of "The Church in Polo", a song written to the tune "Church in the Wildwood", as it appeared in a 1932 church bulletin. The church is participating in the Foods Resource Bank program as their Historical Service Project this year.

The church has a new pictorial directory of its members, is developing a slide program of submitted pictures, and will print a history of "100 Years of Existence."

Many events are already planned for the Anniversary Weekend of September 24 and 25. Frank Ramirez will be the keynote speaker on Sunday morning.

There is much "ado" in, and at, the Polo Church of the Brethren.