Calling All Deacons!

Greeters are needed at Annual Conference to stand at the entrances and elevators to help direct people (particularly on the first day - Sunday of conference.) Deacon greeters will receive a ribbon to attach to their name tag to identify themselves as Deacon Greeters. Contact Kathy Reid Pick up your "Greeter" Ribbon and assignment at the ABC booth in the exhibit area.
Deacons are invited to assist those who need help carrying their plates, trays, or food at the lunch cash buffet in the exhibit hall of the Peoria Civic Center (201 SW Jefferson St.). Lunch will be served from 11:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. beginning Sunday July 3 through Tuesday July 5. People with disabilities have a challenge maneuvering the buffet line, and many older adults or those with small children find it tough. Volunteer for one meal or all week by e-mailing Kathy Reid or sign up at the Association of Brethren Caregivers exhibit area. Look for the volunteers wearing the aprons with the ABC logo!
Several people have requested a "Buddy." The Buddy System is a special program of ABC's Disabilities Ministry which pairs people with disabling conditions with someone who is able to assist. Volunteers are needed to guide and assist people to insight sessions in the evenings. Again, contact Kathy Reid or call 847-742-5100 Ext. 301.
For more information, contact the Association of Brethren Caregivers, 847-742-5100 or e-mail Kathy Reid (kreid_abc@brethr

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