Monday, May 01, 2006

District Bus to NOAC 2006

Take the bus to the National Older Adult Conference (NOAC). The Illinois-Wisconsin District bus leaves Sunday, Sept. 3 and returns Saturday, Sept. 9. This allows a full day plus a partial day to and from the Sept. 4 - 8 Conference. Overnight lodging is required both ways. A 50-passenger coach offers us a safe, comfortable ride. Pick-ups in Illinois are planned for Elgin, Mt. Morris, Peoria and Champaign. Pick-up points across southern Indiana or Ohio are possible if space allows.

The cost depends upon the number going. Prior conference trips have not exceeded 25 passengers. We will set the cost based upon 35 people which comes to $150 per passenger. If we fill the bus, the cost could be lowered to $125 or less. We would refund the difference.

We will arrange for motels in southern Ohio or northern Kentucky after our route and pick-up points are finalized. Lodging will cost around $30. per person each way, based upon double occupancy.

For reservations please send $150 to Willard Dulabaum, 820 Mill Street, Elgin, IL, 60123. Reservations are on a "first come, first served" basis, and will be accepted no later than May 15. Any changes will be announced by June 1. For more information contact Duly at (847) 888-4153 or (847) 269-4153.