Saturday, April 29, 2006, approximately 57 people gathered at the Panther Creek Church of the Brethren two miles East of Roanoke, IL. The day began with introducing us, a brief history of the church and plans for the day. A delicious breakfast was provided by the Peoria Church. Despite the chilly drizzle, several workers began scraping old, peeling paint from the church's exterior. A primer coat was then applied. New steps were built and installed replacing rotted ones for the exterior door of the fellowship hall. Interior work encompassed many areas including: insulation under the furnace room / nursery, plumbing - installing a water heater and new sink in the kitchen, electric work - installing outlets, light switches and increased electric service to the church, cleaning and sorting in the office / library area and sanctuary, and moving a wall between the office / library area and cloak room and reinstalling the mirror / shelf unit there. A wonderful lunch of soup, sandwiches, relishes, chips, desserts and drinks was enjoyed by the hungry, damp workers. Much was accomplished both inside and outside the church that day. The fellowship was delightful, old memories were shared and new memories were formed, cementing friendships between church members from approximately 13 congregations throughout the District of IL and WI. On the trip back to Hurricane Creek, it was suggested to make this an annual event, helping different churches throughout the district, both with work projects and cementing the bonds of friendship and fellowship between churches.
Linda Dooly
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