Groundhogs and Panthers?

Much work was accomplished this day both inside and out by the almost 50 people from 13 congregations that attended. After a warm welcome and a short history of the congregation we dug in singing, praying and then began our work. Wiring, plumbing, drywall, insulating, organizing the office/library, cloak room wall repair and exterior priming of the meetinghouse, tending the burn pile and weed trimming in the cemetery; it all started almost effortlessly as the workers were moved by the Spirit to their tasks.

When it was time to move my ladder, I took a break to get a cup of coffee and check around. Work was in full swing inside and out, so back up the ladder I went. Later a wonderful luncheon and time of fellowship was enjoyed by all.
After lunch, wandering around a little more with another cup of coffee, I began noticing some things. Like history coming to life. There is a large metal halo-type frame hanging from the ceiling near the kitchen door. Could this be a lantern holder? The oil lamp for it must have been huge! Imagining the room lit up for Love Feast, I could almost see the Brothers and Sisters gathered in their circles on either side of the room. Surely, this space we just gathered at for lunch, was the same space in which others from long ago had also shared many a common meal.
Upstairs was abuzz with workers readying a classroom space. Walking through and into the attic behind, where the electricians had been working, I noticed a headboard and what appeared to be other bed parts. Could these have been used for travelers staying over, sleeping in the attic, during the week of Love Feast? Also nearby were some old pew parts. When was the last time you ever saw a worn out pew? Praise God - Amen and Amen.
Now back to my ladder and brush I go with the continuing mist. A few hours later, a cry went out that we were out of paint. Ten gallons of primer had been applied. Other tasks were finishing up. It was almost three o'clock. The time had come to clean our brushes, pack up, say goodbye and to give a hug.
Surely my visioning does not accurately reflect the whole story from this workday experience. I do thank God for the opportunity to have been able to attend, to lend a hand, and am hoping for another. For another work day that we might return to Panther Creek for more of what God has in store.
Thank You District Deacons and Leadership Team for coordinating this event. Bless you Brothers and Sisters at Panther Creek for your loving hospitality. May the Lord fill you and multiply you as only He can.
Terry Link
First Church of the Brethren, Springfield and Secretary, New Church Development Board

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