Saturday, March 10, 2007


“Now Follow Me”- Jesus (Luke 9:23)

Worship is always the highlight of RYC. Three worship celebrations will center on the Church of the Brethren National Youth theme of “Now, Follow Me,” based on Luke 9:23. Worship will lead the youth to a new understanding of what “follow me” could mean for them. This theme responds to last year’s invitation to come and see.

RYC begins at 11 a.m. Saturday morning with time for getting acquainted followed by worship before lunch. Workshops will be on Servant Evangelism, Prayer and Doubt, What are My Next Steps, BVS and Work camps. More come after lunch, followed by opportunities for small service projects.

Seth Hendricks will lead music throughout the weekend. Seth composed the NYC theme song and led music last year. Youth may also choose late evening and early morning prayer times in the chapel. Keynote speaker for RYC is Walt Wiltschek. Walt edits The Messenger, the Church of the Brethren’s monthly magazine. Walt is the local and district youth advisor for the Illinois/Wisconsin district. Walt emceed the recent RYC Coffeehouses and was a workshop leader. His humor should keep us all laughing while he helps explore what it means to be a disciple of Jesus.

We invite District Youth Cabinet Leaders from Northern and Southern Ohio, North and South/Central Indiana, Michigan and Illinois/Wisconsin to arrive between 7 and 8 p.m. on Friday evening, April 27 for a leadership development workshop. This is a great team building event for district youth leaders! The leaders will put their leadership skills into practice by helping with RYC registration, get acquainted games and worship leading.

The body of Christ is alive and vibrant! Support your youth to experience the vibrancy of faith amongst their peers! Send a carload to RYC at Manchester College from your church!

Registration is on-line at or phone: 260-982-5237 and ask for Bev Eikenberry