Tuesday, May 01, 2007


The York Center Church of the Brethren declares its commitment to face a historical challenge of impending global climate change by setting a goal to reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions produced by the church and its activities by 80% by 2050. CO2 is a "greenhouse gas" thought to be a leading cause for the changes in global climate.

A majority of scientists are coming to an agreement that we are producing long lasting changes in our global climate. These changes can have major implications for the economic and social well being of the earth's inhabitants. The nature and extent of the changes can be dependent on how we deal with the inevitable change in world-wide energy supply and consumption in the coming decades.

This goal is consistent with York Center's mission to address social justice issues. The church's expectation is that setting a quantitative goal will also provide the framework for open discussion with the community on the need for change and how it can be equitably achieved.

To achieve this goal of reducing CO2 emissions by 80% by 2050, the church intents to develop a baseline inventory of current emissions, define steps to reduce the emissions, and then set a timeline for implementation. Annual updates will indicate if the goal is being achieved.

Preliminary estimates show that the church building and related activities generates 185,000 pounds of CO2 emissions annually. Approximately 50% is from the heating unit, 25% from electrical energy use, and 25% from driving for participation in church activities. Reducing these emissions by 80% will be a significant challenge.

Actions like replacing incandescent light bulbs with fluorescent bulbs, identifying major building heat losses, and planting more trees on our property to provide shade and absorb CO2, will begin immediately. Deeper cuts in fuel use for heating will require possible installation of a higher efficiency furnace, solar hot water heating, and building renovation to reduce heat loss and increase passive solar heating.

To achieve long-term reductions in electrical energy consumption, evaluations will be made of use of photovoltaics and windmills. The church will depend on reduction plans for emissions implemented by the utility company.

Reduction in CO2 emissions from driving (currently estimated at one pound per mile) will rely on higher efficiency cars, like plug-in hybrids, car pooling, and more efficient planning of meetings.

For information and ongoing status of our plan, see the church's web site at yccob.org, or contact Loren Habegger at habegger4@comcast.net.