Monday, October 01, 2007


by Willard Dulabaum

1708 was the year of the fabled baptism of eight in Schwarzenau, Germany, marking the beginning of the Brethren movement. First living in Christian community, then persecuted and forced from their homeland, the "Dunkers" soon emigrated to Germantown, Pennsylvania and fanned out across the United States. Today, following divisions that took place between the 1880's and 1940's, the Brethren continue under five separate names and organizational structures, and have planted overseas missions somewhere on almost every continent. A number of colleges, seminaries, camps and retirement homes have also been given birth out of this lineage, as well as programs such as Brethren Volunteer Service and Heifer, International.

An anniversary observation, entitled Brethren World Assembly, is planned for August 3, 2008, at Schwarzenau, to include members from all five denominations descending from Alexander Mack and the others in that small faith community baptized there three hundred years before. A number of heritage tours are being planned with itineraries that will include this celebration.

Prior to the European event, The Church of the Brethren will join with the Brethren Church (Ashland) in a joint celebration held in connection with each of our Annual Conferences in July, 2008, in Richmond, Virginia. Each district and local congregation are encouraged to find ways to emphasize and celebrate the heritage that is ours from those Anabaptist-Radical Pietist beginnings through three centuries of following Jesus and faithfully serving others in our world. It is a tremendous opportunity to lift up the lives of those who have led out in discipleship and servanthood, as we learn from the past and journey in faith and hope into the future. Plans for our district are developing to include an emphasis at District Conference and other events through the year. A regular feature in this newsletter will cover other resources and opportunities, month by month.

Meanwhile, two of our District Youth are prepared to speak on matters of faith and heritage in various settings; to involve them, contact the District Office. If you are interested in being involved in any phase of planning activities, displays, or presentations within our district, please contact Willard "Duly" Dulabaum at your earliest convenience, by calling 847-888-4153. Even one or two interested and willing people could make a difference! Let us hear of your interest.