Monday, October 01, 2007


Fall can be the season of stewardship emphasis in the church – time to consider the gifts that you have to offer your congregation, district, and denomination. For many it is deciding how much we are going to pledge to the church budget. For others it may be time to consider giving a larger gift to our congregations, districts, camps, or another Church of the Brethren agencies. Deciding to give a gift may be easy enough, figuring out the best way to do this may be a bit more complex. Brethren Foundation is committed to promoting responsible and faithful stewardship of financial resources in harmony with the mission and values of our faith. We want to help you by offering gift planning and design services. The Foundation can assist you with estate planning and establishing deferred gifts such as charitable gift annuities, revocable trusts, charitable remainder trusts, and life estate agreements that have a charitable component. The Brethren Foundation helps you give the gifts that you want to give, either today or in the future. Please call Steve Mason, Brethren Foundation Director at 800-746-1505 or e-mail him at