Tuesday, January 01, 2008


Mediation February 16, 17; 23, 24, 2008 Camp Mack , Milford Indiana

Leaders: Janet Mitchell, Attorney-Mediator and MoR practitioner, and Angie Briner, Executive Director of Education for Conflict Resolution

Audience: church leaders, pastors, deacons, Shalom Team/Discipleship and Reconciliation team members, and anyone interested in introductory level mediation to help others work through their differences.

The Ministry of Reconciliation, a branch of On Earth Peace, welcomes natural peacemakers and those interested in conflict resolution to a two-weekend mediation workshop. A refreshing, faithful approach to interpersonal peacemaking will be taught through a series of interactive and collaborative sessions. This workshop will introduce the process for mediating between individuals and provide hands-on mediation practice. Learn effective communication skills for all ages, conflict theory, how the Christian faith informs our approach to mediation, how to understand & work with style differences in communication, and mediation skills to assist those in conflict to work through their differences.

Schedule: Feb 16-17 & Feb 23-24
Saturdays from 9:00am to 9:00pm; Sundays 9:00am to 3:00pm

Cost: $275-$350 based upon a sliding scale. Includes tuition, lodging, meals and materials. Commuters pay $225-$300 based upon a sliding scale. 2.0 Continuing Education Units are available to Church of the Brethren ministers. To register or for more information, send name, contact info and number of participants to Annie Clark at annie.clark@verizon.net or call 260-982-8595. Registration deadline is Jan. 10, 2008.

Thinking about Consensus
For several years, the staff and board of On Earth Peace has utilized a model of consensus decision-making in meetings. The beauty of consensus is the openness of the process. Participants find space for many viewpoints, deep thinking, and time to work through reservations people may have about a decision to be made. There is also space for deep listening and opening to God’s spirit. Clarity emerges for the group through a well-designed process. At MoR, we’ve put together a workshop called “Exploring Consensus Decision-making” which is based on the work of C.T. Butler and Amy Rothstein. Their book, “On Conflict and Consensus” is available at no cost online at www.consensus.net. The book and the workshop are generating a lot of interest in the Church of the Brethren right now. Care to join the wave? Give us a call at 260-982-8595. Peace, Annie Clark MoR Coordinator

Resources for Consensus Decision-making
Seeds for Change offers an online guide to consensus at: http://seedsforchange.org.uk/free/consens
They also publish a guide by the Trapese Collective at: http://seedsforchange.org.uk/free/practicalconsensus.pdf
Rob Sanders publishes his facilitator’s guide to consensus at: http://www.ic.org/nica/Book/Cover.htm
Tree Bressen publishes a comprehensive list of resources on consensus at: http://www.treegroup.info/resources/handout-resources.pdf

The Final Word [Humans] must evolve for all human conflict a method which rejects revenge, aggression, and retaliation. Martin Luther King, Jr.