Friday, February 01, 2008


We invite members of our District to attend an Andy & Terry Murray concert on Sunday, March 2, at 3 p.m., at the Highland Avenue Church in Elgin. You are also invited to a reception following the concert. . The concert is part of our observance of the 300th anniversary of the Church of the Brethren. The music theme, "A River Runs Through Us," will feature stories in song of historical Brethren from 1708, when the first eight members were baptized in the Eder River in Germany, to current times.

The Murrays have recorded seven albums and presented over 300 concerts, including performances at Annual Conference and National Youth Conference. Many songs composed by Andy Murray contain Brethren historical figures and values as their subject. This makes a significant contribution to the celebration of our heritage. In that list we find John Kline, Sister Anna Beauty Queen (Anna Mow), Alexander's Rag Time Band version on Alexander Mack, and A Full Measure Man, which highlights the integrity of Cyrus Bomberger and the traditional dictum in our heritage that a person's word is his or her bond.

During a sabbatical early in 2007, Andy composed a new song, "River Sill Running," and is the title of a CD featuring songs on Brethren heroes. Using the baptism of ouor church's founders, the refrain offers tribute to "the river still running in my soul." The album complements the CD curriculum produced by the 300th Anniversary Committee for use in local congregations.

For 21 years Andy Murray has directed the Baker Institute for Peace and Conflict Studies at Juniata College, Huntingdon, Pa., a multidisciplinary program he founded that includes courses on mediation, nonviolence in theory and practice, arms control, nuclear threat, and gender and culture.