Tuesday, January 01, 2008


Jay Wittmeyer has accepted the position of interim director of Pension Plans and Employee Financial Services for the Brethren Benefit Trust (BBT), as of Jan. 1, 2008. In his new position, he will serve on the Management Team of BBT.

Wittmeyer began working for BBT on Oct. 30, 2006, as manager of publications. In this role, he developed knowledge of the BBT Pension Plans by attending Investment Committee meetings of the board, and writing pension-related newsletters and other pension communications. He also has a strong interest in finance and investments.

He holds master's degrees in English and in conflict transformation with a focus on organizational development. He has led workshops and has extensive experience in public speaking. He served as assistant director of Lombard (Ill.) Mennonite Peace Center. From 1996-99 Jay worked for Mennonite Central Committee in Bangladesh as a community development officer. From 2000-04 he served the MCC in Nepal as project director of a community health project, and as organization development facilitator at a hospital.

He is currently in the Training in Ministry program of the Brethren Academy for Ministerial Leadership, and has been licensed to the ministry by Highland Avenue Church of the Brethren in Elgin, Ill.

--reprinted from the Dec. 19, 2007 COB Newsline