Friday, February 01, 2008


Promoting peace through justice, care for creation, and experiential learning.

In an effort to enable churches to take the lead in combating global warming, the Undoing Global Warming program of the New Community Project offers congregations a chance to turn down the heat on the planet--and save money for use in ministry and mission!

Here's how a weekend might go:

Saturday morning: Earth-Friendly Church
With church committees and/or building manager we assess the church buildings and grounds in regard to energy and water conservation, alternative energies, waste reduction, food preparation, transportation, and eco-landscaping. Together we explore cost effective and simple techniques that will reduce your church's energy and water consumption and reduce waste thus becoming better stewards of God's creation, reducing global warming gases, saving money, and inspiring others.

Saturday afternoon or Sunday after church: Hands-on Workshops
Congregation members learn about and discuss topics such as composting techniques and organic soil fertility; spiral herb gardens; home eco-cleaners; building a solar oven; deep mulch keyhole gardening (the no watering/no weeding garden); solar food dryer; forest gardening; organic pest control; season extender gardening; edible landscaping; political and institutional actions.

Saturday afternoon or evening: Earth-Friendly Home
In the home of a volunteer parishioner (and including up to 15 other church members) we will use activities and discussion to explore the many diverse and simple techniques for a more earth-friendly home that we can all begin implementing today. This workshop includes energy and water conservation, alternative energy, waste reduction and toxins, food, and transportation. We will also discuss connections between our lifestyles and people of the Third World.

Sunday morning service: The Sacredness of Life
Either during the Sunday service or Sunday school class we are available to give a presentation on faith-based, earthfriendly living.

Cost: Travel from Harrisonburg, VA, plus honorarium of $150-$300.

Undoing Global Warming program coordinator: Tom Benevento -- Tom has a degree in Sustainable Systems and has extensive experience in development work and community organizing. His work with NCP involves leading Undoing Global Warming workshops for congregations and other groups, and developing a model sustainable living center at his home in Harrisonburg, VA. Learn more about his work at our Undoing Global Warming page. Contact Tom at: