Tuesday, April 01, 2008

2008 District Calendar

4th-6th Mission Alive Conference, Bridgewater, VA
6th-9th Midwest Dist. Executives' Retreat, Camp Mack, Milford, IN
12 Deacon Training, Dallas Center, IA
19 9:00am District Leadership Team, New Beginnings (tentative)
24-27 Cross Cultural Consultation and Celebration, Elgin
1 National Day of Prayer
1 Ascension Day
4 National Youth Sunday
5 Cinco de Mayo
11 Pentecost
11 Mother's Day
15-17 Church Planting Conferecne, Bethany Theological Seminary, Richmond, IN
17-25 District Executive on vacation
26 Memorial Day
7 District Leadership Team, West Branch
15 Father's Day
23-26 TRIM/EFSM Orientation, Bethany Theological Seminary, Richmond, IN
4 Independence Day
10th-12th       Council of Dist. Executive's Summer meeting, Richmond, VA
12th-16th Annual Conference, Richmond, VA
26 District Leadership Team, Springfield
3 300th Anniversary Celebration Sunday
3 300th Anniversay Celebration in Schwarzenau, Germany
11th-15th National Young Adult Conference, Estes Park, CO
1 Labor Day
1st-5th National Older Adult Conference, Lake Junaluska, NC
6 District Leadership Team, Neighborhood
14 Bethany Sunday