Sunday, June 01, 2008

2008 District Calendar

7 District Leadership Team, West Branch
14 District Deacons, Peoria
15 Father's Day
23 Pleasant Hill Village Board Meeting
23-26 TRIM/EFSM Orientation, Bethany Theological Seminary, Richmond, IN
4 Independence Day
10 - 12 Council of Dist. Executive's Summer meeting, Richmond, VA
12 - 16 Annual Conference, Richmond, VA
26 District Leadership Team, Springfield
28 Pleasant Hill Village Board Meeting
2 District Program and Arrangements Committee, Peoria
3 300th Anniversary Celebration Sunday
3 300th Anniversay Celebration in Schwarzenau, Germany
11 - 15 National Young Adult Conference, Estes Park, CO
1 Labor Day
1 -5 National Older Adult Conference, Lake Junaluska, NC
6 District Leadership Team, Neighborhood
14 Bethany Sunday
OctoberDisabilities Awareness and Domestic Violence Awareness Month
5 World Communion Sunday
12 World Mission Offering Emphasis
13 Columbus Day
16 World Food Day
16 National Boss Day
16 - 24 Peace With Justice Week
18 - 20 General Board Meetings, Elgin
18 District Leadership Team, Yellow Creek
19 National Children's Sabbath
26 - 28 Midwest District Executives' Fall Retreat, Dayton OH
1All Saint's Day
2National Junior High Sunday
2Daylight Saving Time Ends
4 Election Day
7 - 9 District Conference, Peoria COB
9 Stewardship Sunday
11 Veterans Day
16 Bible Sunday
16 National Donor Sabbath
27 Thanksgiving
30 First Sunday in Advent