Sunday, June 01, 2008


A new biography, Alexander Mack: A Man Who Rippled the Waters, written by Myrna Grove and illustrated by Mary Jewell, will arrive in time to celebrate our church’s 300th anniversary. Well-researched and beautifully illustrated, the first edition will make its debut in mid-May 2008. Written especially for children from 8 to 12, this beautiful and informative book will become a treasured resource for all ages. Alexander Mack, the first minister and organizer of the Brethren Church movement in the 18th century, took many risks for his faith. He was a humble and capable man who inspired spiritual commitment during an unsettling time in Germany.

Alexander Mack: A Man Who Rippled the Waters covers Mack’s early education and work at his father’s mill in Schriesheim. Dissatisfied with the established church, Mack is threatened by officials and flees to the safe haven of Schwarzenau. After the forbidden baptisms in the Eder River, Mack organizes the small group's evangelistic activities and writes about their beliefs. Sharing his personal funds with those less fortunate than he, Mack devotes his life to preaching and caring for the German Baptists as they endure hardships in Germany and Holland and, later, when they sail for America.

The 64-page hardcover book is enhanced with 50 carefully researched oil paintings which portray the time period of Mack’s life. Readers follow the journey of the Brethren from Germany to the peat bogs of Holland and, finally, to America. Myrna Grove recounts Mack’s biography with grace, conviction, and accuracy. Special features include a timeline of Mack’s life, an 18th century German map, and a bibliography of suggested readings for adults.

Information about ordering Alexander Mack: A Man Who Rippled the Waters, priced at $22, can be found at The book will also be available at