Tuesday, July 01, 2008


Affirming that every person is a treasure, every life a sacred gift, and every human being a unity of body, mind and spirit; we invite you to a weekend of play, prayer, rest, reflection and nourishment for the whole of your being!

Designed for women who are seeking to develop balance, a sense of well-being, fullness of spirit … and happen to be part of the Church of the Brethren!

Led by Deanna Brown and Anita Smith Buckwalter, you will be given time and space to explore what nourishes and energizes your body; what restores and enlivens your soul, and what stretches and fills your personal vessel throughout the weekend.

The retreat will be held at Leaven Retreat Center on the Grand River in Lyons, Michigan amid wooded pathways, a bubbling stream and vibrant colors.

Program Offerings
Details, directions, and final schedules will be mailed to participants in August.

Caring For Your Spirit
What is this treasure of ours?
Prayers, Songs & Liturgy - Creativity as a Path to the Holy - Guided Meditation
Caring For Your Mind
Have we learned to care for the vessel?
Messages & Models for Self-Care - Minding Your Peas & Q's - Theology of Self
Caring For Your Body:
Is the vessel cracked?
Movement for the Heart & Soul - Yoga or Massage Nurturing the ‘Sole’ - Walk in the Wild
Leadership Biographies
Deanna Brown served as a pastor in congregational and campus settings for 23 years. Currently walking a vocational path which includes retreat ministry, facilitation of women’s spirituality groups, and travel to India, Deanna celebrates the grace of living with passion and mindfulness. Deanna nurtures her own body-self through walking meditations, vigorous racquetball, and joyful partnership with Brian Harley.

Anita Smith Buckwalter is a pastor, spiritual director and massage therapist living in Lansing, Mich. She knows the energy and healing available by being attentive to the experiences of one’s whole being — body, mind and spirit. One of Anita’s gifts is creating multi-dimensional rituals to mark life’s passages and transitions. Liturgies of blessing and healing are a significant ingredient in the women’s groups and retreats she has facilitated during the last 15 years.
Treasure in Earthen Vessels
Registration Form




City______________________State_____ Zip_______

Phone_________________ Email_________________

Registration Fee
includes lodging, food, and program, Optional massage is separate cost

Please mark preferences:

__ Single Registration- $165    __ Request vegetarian meals

__ Request CEU credit (1)   __ Interested in Massage

Make checks payable to ABC and send them with completed registration form to: 1451 Dundee Ave., Elgin, IL
60120; (847) 742-5100

  • The retreat begins 7 p.m., Friday, September 26 and concludes by 11 a.m., Sunday, September 28.
  • Lodging is in the retreat center; twin beds with 2 or 3 to a room. Shared baths.
  • Meals and snacks will be served at the Lodge — breakfast on Saturday and Sunday; lunch and dinner on Saturday — and feature healthy and delicious fare with whole and organic foods provided when possible.
  • Conclude your week-end with a stop at one of the many apple orchards or charming farmer’s markets in Michigan.
Registration Deadline— July 25, 2008
  • Please note that this retreat is designed for a small, intimate group; early registration is encouraged.
This retreat is part of the program and ministry of the Church of the Brethren's Wellness Ministry. For more information, call the Wellness Ministry office at the Association of Brethren Caregivers at (800) 323-8039; or e-mail Mary Lou Garrison at mgarrison_abc@brethren.org.