Monday, September 01, 2008

Regional Youth Conference

Regional Youth Conference (RYC) takes place each year on the Manchester College campus. Church of the Brethren high school students and their youth group advisors are invited to participate in this weekend event. The weekend consists of worship, small group sharing, educational workshops, recreation, campus tours … all of which lead to personal growth and a great opportunity for fellowship with other Brethren youth.

RYC 2008 will be held Saturday and Sunday, Oct. 4-5, 2008.

What is at RYC for me?

Worship is always the highlight of RYC. Our three worship celebrations will pull topics from our conference theme of Faith and Politics. Through worship, we will explore these ideas as we continue to grow in our faith, and discern the influence of faith on political beliefs during this election year.

Keynote speaker for RYC 2008 is Phil Jones. Phil is the director of the Brethren Witness/Washington D.C. Office, the Church of the Brethren’s go-to office on matters of legislation and political action. He works to advocate and effect change in U.S. policy in regard to peace and justice issues from a Church of the Brethren faith-based perspective.

Registration for RYC will begin at 8:30 a.m. on Saturday morning, with our opening worship beginning at 10:15 a.m. Large-group sessions with Phil Jones, as well as small group discussion sessions, will be offered after lunch. It will be a full and fun weekend of learning, worship and fellowship with others from our region.

Paul Fry-Miller will lead music throughout the weekend. Paul leads music regularly in worship at Beacon Heights Church of the Brethren in Fort Wayne. Joining Paul will be other talented local musicians. A special Saturday evening concert will also be offered. Youth may also choose to attend a Sunday morning reflection time.

But wait! There’s more … campus tours, informational displays, old and new friends, and much, much more. You won’t want to miss this year’s RYC!

Just the facts

Where? On the Manchester College campus

When? RYC is held Oct. 4-5, 2008 with registration beginning at 8:30 a.m. Saturday morning in the Physical Education and Recreation Center (PERC), next to the lower Union parking lot. RYC will conclude before lunch on Sunday morning.

What to bring? Please bring a sleeping bag, pillow, towel, change of clothes, personal care items, a second pair of shoes, your Bible and an open heart and mind. You’ll be sleeping on the PERC floor, so please bring something soft to sleep on! Locker rooms with non-private showers will be available.

Who and Why? RYC is a youth conference provided by Manchester College for high school students and their adult advisors who reside in the Illinois/Wisconsin, Michigan, Northern Ohio, Southern Ohio, Northern Indiana and South/Central Indiana districts of the Church of the Brethren. This conference provides an opportunity for youth to socialize and share fellowship with one another, learn about what it means to be Brethren, and to praise God together. Churches are expected to send advisors with their youth. For example, if you send young women to RYC, please send a female chaperon. If you send young men to RYC, please send a male chaperon. If you send both young women and men to RYC, please send both a female and male chaperon. Please call the RYC office if you have difficulty in finding adults to send with your youth.

How much? Cost of the conference is $50 for youth and $35 for advisors. This cost covers three meals, lodging, snacks, conference activities and registration costs. A late registration fee of $60 for youth and $45 for advisors will be charged for registrations postmarked after Sept. 26. A partial RYC experience is better than no RYC experience! Please call the RYC office (260-982-4151) for special discounted rates for a partial RYC weekend.

How to register? Download and print a registration form. Also, fill out an Emergency Information form and an Assumption of Risk form, and send them, along with your registration fee, to:
RYC 2008
Manchester College,
604 E. College Ave.,
North Manchester, IN 46962
Return no later than Sept. 26, 2008. Please be sure to read and sign the covenant. Checks should be made payable to Manchester College.

Contact Information: Call Sarah Hall, 260-982-4151 or e-mail