Wednesday, October 01, 2008


Sugar, chocolate chips, pumpkin, oatmeal raisin and butterscotch cookies one and all. Cookies and more cookies! What’s better than cookies, milk and Grandmother? It was with this thought in mind that the women of the Champaign Church of the Brethren answered the “Call to Bake” issued by our new pastor, Cynthia Taylor and inaugurated a new ministry, “Brethren Grandmothers”

Champaign, Illinois claims both the University of Illinois and Parkland College. Where there are colleges there are students. They could be freshmen living in dorms, sophomores moving into shared apartments, juniors working in after school programs or seniors serving as dorm monitors and many of them have something in common. They are Brethren raised. They are students away from home, many for the first time and getting acquainted with new surroundings. Now they make their own decisions and plan their own schedules. They make room for new activities, experiences and encounter new opportunities and people. They are sometimes a little lonely, a little scared and a little homesick.

Enter the Brethren Grandmothers. We’re not faster than speeding trains. We don’t leap over tall buildings in a single bound. Instead of “Spidey” sense we have mama sense. Using information solicited from member churches and provided by you, the moms, dads, grandmothers, grandfathers, friends and relatives we visit your student bringing fresh baked cookies, open arms and the hand of fellowship. We remind them that they are not alone and that there is a place in town that they can call “home”. Where there spirits can be fed weekly, potlucks can be attended monthly, prayer and cookies can be found any time.

If you would like your student to have a visit and cookies from the Brethren Grandmothers, please send their Name, Address, Phone, and your name to:

Brethren Grandmothers
Attn: Cookie Captain
Champaign Church of the Brethren
1210 N. Neil St
Champaign, IL 61820