Wednesday, October 01, 2008

District Moderator's Letter

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ, I bring you greetings on behalf of Jesus Christ and your District offices. I am looking forward to our time together at District Conference in Peoria and hope you are also. November 7, 2008 will be here before we know it. I will be bringing the Friday evening message and Moderator-elect, Gil Crosby will be our worship leader.

In addition to conducting the necessary business, this conference will be a time to renew our connection with each other and with our Lord whom we all serve. The theme for this conference is “Love One Another… by this everyone will know you are my disciples”, John 13:34-35. In many ways this is like a family reunion, a time to get together with all the Brethren from the Illinois and Wisconsin area; a time to be with those we love but don’t get to see everyday; a time to reunite with our family; to reconnect and create some good memories.

Please pray for the conference. Invite God to be present with us all in worship, fellowship, and business. With the Holy Spirit in our midst, we will be blessed.

We have a special service planned for Saturday afternoon, a Baptismal Water service that will symbolize our unity in One Spirit, our love for Jesus and for one another. Each church is asked to bring a sample of water either from a baptism or from the water used to fill your baptistery. This water will be used in the Saturday afternoon service. Please note that if you have previously provided water to be used for the Annual Conference service, I still have your water and it is not necessary for you to bring more.

I am excited about having Andy and Terry Murray for our Saturday evening concert which will focus on our Brethren heritage in celebration of our 300 year anniversary. We are also very blessed to have our Annual Conference Moderator, David K. Shumate, bringing the Sunday morning message and a Sunday morning insight session.

Peace and love,
Jerry Sales
District Moderator

Continuing the work of Jesus … peacefully, simply, together