Monday, September 01, 2008



This is the theme for this year’s FALL DINNER AND AUCTION FOR PLEASANT HILL VILLAGE on October 18, 2008. A Western Hoedown was the theme for last year, and people enjoyed the food, decorations, and relaxed atmosphere so much that they requested the same theme to return for this year. So, we are honoring your request. Dress casual and in-tune with the theme. Come to have a good time and support Pleasant Hill Village.

MARK YOUR CALENDAR, AND PLAN TO ATTEND THIS 12th ANNUAL FALL DINNER AND AUCTION. It will be held in Virden at the Knights of Columbus Hall. The doors open at 5:00 p.m. with dinner served at 6:00 p.m. The cost is $25 per person. A highlight of the evening will be the live auction with many items to choose from. Also there will be an ongoing secret silent auction during the early part of the evening. Come and challenge your friends to outbid you. Your purchases are for a good cause - the residents at Pleasant Hill Village. Pleasant Hill Village has been serving Girard and the surrounding community with caring staff and administration since 1905.

REMEMBER THAT YOU AND YOUR CONGREGATION CAN ASSIST EVEN IF YOU CAN’T ATTEND THE EVENING EVENT BY BEING A TABLE SPONSOR. This is a donation for a table of eight at $25 each or a total of $200 which will allow residents at the HOME who are able to attend to do so at no cost to them. What a wonderful gesture on your part! THANK YOU to those of you who have done this in the past as well as those who will contribute this year.

To purchase tickets, to send your donation to be a table sponsor, or if you have items to donate for either the secret silent or live auction, contact Paulette Miller at Pleasant Hill Village by phone at 217-627-2181 or by email at If you have an item to donate for either the secret silent or live auction, please let Paulette know by September 15.

Pleasant Hill Village is founded to provide quality care to elderly persons on a not-for-profit basis, with housing facilities, and services, especially designed to meet the aged, and contribute to their health, security, happiness, and usefulness in living.