Monday, September 01, 2008


June 19-21, 2009 will be the second National Junior High Conference in the Church of the Brethren. The first was held in 2007 at Elizabethtown College. The 2009 Conference will be held at James Madison University in Harrisonburg, VA (just off Interstate #81). The conference will begin on Friday evening after dinner and will end before lunch on Sunday morning.

Ken Medema will lead singing in each of our worship services, as well as perform a Saturday evening concert. Ted Schwartz (formerly of "Ted and Lee") will present scripture skits. Other speakers will be announced after the planning committee meets in September.

Registration for this conference will begin on-line January 15, 2009 for junior. high youth and their advisors. The registration cost will be $125 per person for both adult advisors and youth. Persons west of the Mississippi will be eligible for a $150 travel scholarship.

Mark your calendars now for June 19-21, 2009. Additional information will be available soon! Keep checking: