Monday, December 01, 2008


This fall's district senior high youth retreat, held during district conference in Peoria, focused on "The Pursuit of Peace." Marie Rhoades from On Earth Peace served as our resource leader for four sessions during the weekend.

Marie had the youth explore several passages of scripture, with a focus on thinking about who was the powerful and the powerless, the insiders and outsiders, in each story. We also considered what things lead to violence and what leads to peace.

The group of 20, representing seven congregations, was well hosted by a Covenant congregation near the Peoria Church of the Brethren. Youth joined the opening and closing worship services at the conference and also came over for the Andy and Terry Murray concert Saturday evening, serving up ice cream for the social time afterwards. Andy and Terry were kind enough to spend some time in a Q&A session with the group.

The rest of the weekend was spent eating, playing games, spending time in devotions and worship, and recreation at the River Center. (Thanks to Dana McNeil and the Peoria church for setting up our accommodations and the recreation/shower time!)

The spring retreat is tentatively scheduled for April 17-19 in the northwest part of the district. Watch for further details. Youth are also encouraged to consider participation in one of the Church of the Brethren summer workcamps (registration begins Jan. 5 at and the national youth Christian Citizenship Seminar on modern-day slavery, which will be April 25-30 in New York and Washington, D.C. (see