Monday, December 01, 2008

We are "ONE in the Spirit"

Moderator – Gil Crosby

Short Biography: Born in Lodi, Ohio, June 15, 1939 or as my daughter says "In the Old Days"; I graduated from Northwestern High School in 1957, Ashland College in 1964 and the TRIM program in 2008. I worked for Caterpillar Inc. for 35 years in Marketing & Sales in the Engine Division. I spent 2 years in Tanzania, East Africa in the Peace Corps and 3 Years in the Philippines with Caterpillar. My wife of 40 years is Patricia and we have a son, Gib, in Atlanta, GA who is a prosecuting attorney, and a daughter, Karen, in Washington, IL. I first joined the Mohican Church of the Brethren around 1958 and am currently a member of the Peoria Church of the Brethren.

One in the Spirit: The theme for the District comes from Philippians 2:2. It is a humbling experience to be chosen to serve the District of Illinois-Wisconsin in the capacity of Moderator. Many times God leads us where we are challenged and feel inadequate for the job at hand. I ask for your prayers, God’s guidance and the District’s patience for the coming year.

My wife, Pat, bought a book at Annual Conference called "Fresh from the Word", a 300th anniversary devotional book. She told me one chapter told her The closer we become to being one in the spirit, the harder Satan will work to keep it from happening. He sure has been busy the past years in the Christian community. All he has to do is throw out a few words and pretty soon people begin looking around for allies to be “on their side”. Then people rush to the Bible to find words or verses that support their position, usually without reading the surrounding context of the message. Almost never do they read "Love your neighbor as yourself" or "do not judge lest you be judged". Jesus only gave us two commandments, "love the Lord your God and Love your Neighbor." The Bible is a source of inspiration and teaching, many of us use it as a club to beat others over the head.

We are ONE in the Spirit, not the SAME in the Spirit. God made us all and he made each individual just that, an individual unlike any other on the face of the Earth. The Church of the Brethren has a history of helping people that others have shunned like the North Koreans, the murderer Nathan Leopold, the Japanese who were interned during WWII, lepers in Nigeria and the list goes on.. We must continue to minister to those who for whatever reason are different than we think they ought to be. Ours is to bring the message of God to all the world.

Having said all of that, I am available to visit and/or speak if given an invitation. I welcome the chance to meet with as many of our congregations as possible during the coming year..

So, Spread the Gospel to the World, use words if necessary. (St. Francis)