Wednesday, October 01, 2008


by Kevin Kessler

The time for our district to gather at the First Church of the Brethren in Peoria for the 2008 District Conference is quickly approaching. November 7-9 are the dates we will gather for worship, for fellowship, for eating together, and for doing the business of this district. Jerry Sales, Moderator, will provide leadership for the conference under the theme of "Love one another…by this everyone will know you are my disciples", based on John 13:34-35. This theme is appropriate at any time but seems most appropriate as we in this district continue striving to live together in love amidst a diversity of understandings about our faith and values. The struggles in which our world is embroiled, such as wars, partisan politics, ethnic hatred, divisiveness caused in a myriad of other ways, make this theme very appropriate, as well.

By now, hopefully, conference information has been disseminated in congregations and all have had an opportunity to peruse these materials. If you've not seen the information and would like to know more, please contact the district office. A brief summary of the conference is included here. Conference will convene Friday evening with a hymn sing at 7:10pm followed by corporate worship at 7:30pm. Moderator Jerry Sales will be speaking and Moderator-elect Gil Crosby will be the worship leader. Business begins Saturday morning at 8:20am and will conclude by 4:30pm. Business will consist of hearing reports, affirming persons to positions of leadership, and taking necessary action on items of business presented by organizations and/or teams. A concert by Andy and Terry Murray is scheduled for Saturday evening at 7:00pm, followed by a Brethren favorite-ICE CREAM! Four insight sessions are planned for Sunday morning: Some Core Values of the Church of the Brethren led by Annual Conference Moderator David Shumate, Living with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder led by Mike Bowman, Planting New Brethren Churches in the Illinois/Wisconsin District led by the New Church Development Team, and a youth session, The Pursuit of Peace: Into Your Communities Ready For Action led by Marie Rhoades. Worship Sunday morning will be led by host pastor, Dana McNeil and Annual Conference Moderator David Shumate will preach.

I encourage attendance at conference as this is a time in the life of our district when together we have an opportunity to engage actively in listening and sharing, to engage in fellowship with those we see only occasionally, maybe no more than once a year, and to engage in worship as the body of Christ we know as the District of Illinois and Wisconsin of the Church of the Brethren. I emphasize the word together. Together we are more than we are as a single congregation or individually. Together we can help shape, along with the leading of the Spirit, the destiny of this district. Together we can learn and grow and increase in wisdom, in strength, in service, and in mission, for the glory of God and the good of all.

COME TO DISTRICT CONFERENCE! I'm looking forward to seeing you there!