Sunday, February 01, 2009


Johnson County, Indiana Flood Recovery
The project house now has bunk beds - no more cots - thanks to both Franklin College and Camp Alexander Mack. The downstairs bedroom is set up for women and has four bunks. Upstairs, the two bedrooms each have three bunks, and the upstairs "landing" area has a bunk and three single beds. In addition, two rooms with double beds have been set up for project leadership. Project Director Steve Keim says, "Things are surprisingly roomy for so many beds, and there is closet space as well as room for luggage. Our bottleneck will be in the bathrooms, but if everyone cooperates I think we can make it." It's necessary to be frugal with water to avoid overloading the septic system. As far as jobs, there is enough work to keep people busy. Currently, this is mostly inside.
Chalmette, Louisiana Katrina Recovery
We're still chipping away at the devastation caused by this mega-disaster 3 1/2 years ago. Our BVS'er, Don Knieriem has been assigned to this project as an assistant to the project leaders.
Rushford, Minnesota
The final house is almost complete! A group of brave souls from Mid-Atlantic District has just returned from a week of volunteering there. They report that there is about a week's worth of work for a skilled crew of 4 or 5 persons. Housing is in Winona, and volunteers need to take their own tools.