Wednesday, April 01, 2009


May 9, 2009 - CIT (Counselor In Training) Workshop: 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM at Camp Emmanuel

All persons who will be working at camps at Camp Emmanuel should plan to attend the Counselor In Training Workshop. Attendance is required before first time counselors may counsel at camp. They must have attended at least one CIT Workshop prior to their first counseling experience. There will be time for camp directors to plan their camps with their counselors in addition to a training session. One training session is planned with a professional presenter in charge of the session.

Food and all training materials will be provided free of charge. Pre-registration is required. Please contact the camp managers to pre register. All persons who pre-register and work at one of the camps during summer will receive FREE, valuable camp counselor materials.. These kits contain valuable and needed materials to successfully and "sanely" complete a week of camp.

The CIT Workshop provides up-to-date training for directors, counselors, and counselor assistants, covering state laws governing those who work with children and a variety of other useful topics. Registration - Complete and return the registration form before April 25, 2009, to qualify for free counselor materials. Food, program materials, and training are all provided free. All you need to bring is a desire to serve the Lord through the facilities He has provided at Camp Emmanuel. All churches who send campers are encouraged to provide leadership as well. For more information, call: Jerry and Connie Reynolds - Camp Managers (309) 329-2291.

If you have questions about the CIT Workshop, call: Jerry and Connie Reynolds - Camp Managers (309)329-2291 To obtain a CIT registration form, check with your local church. If one is not available there, contact Linda Dooly at (618)425-3723 or Thomas Dooly – CIT Coordinator (618)425-3723