Monday, June 01, 2009

Leadership Team and New Church Development Team Meet at Naperville Church of the Brethren

Keeping with their commitment to meet at different churches in the District, the Leadership Team meets on May 30th at the Naperville Church of the Brethren. The New Church Development Team also meets at the Naperville Church and will join the Leadership Team for combined fellowship and information exchange. The Naperville Church will furnish lunch for both teams.

Naperville hosts District Conference this year November 6, 7 & 8 at their wonderful facility. The featured speaker for Sunday service will be Chris Bowman, ex-Annual Conference Moderator and Pastor of the Oakton Church of the Brethren in Virginia. Insight sessions are currently being arranged and Saturday Night entertainment by the Naperville Men’s Glee Club.

Don’t forget that the Youth Retreat will be held in conjunction with the District Conference. David Radcliff is the featured speaker. The Youth will perform a Service Project while at Naperville. National Youth Conference comes around in 2010 and will be a topic of conversation at the conference. Many have gone, all were moved and it is a great time for fun and commitment.

Plan to attend District conference for District business, fellowship and strengthening of the Brethren Body of the Kingdom.