Monday, June 01, 2009

New Church Development: ROCKFORD MISSION POINT

Please keep the Sarpiya family and the Rockford Mission Point in your prayers. Samuel specifically requests prayers for a shield of protection as the family is facing daily intensifying spiritual battles. Samuel and Gretchen are seeking individuals in the district that would commit to pray for them one day per month. Their hope is to raise prayer support for every day of the month. You can email Samuel at

Please pray for the Lord to raise up support partners for the Sarpiysa's. Pray for each family member's physical health. Since arriving at the end of January they have experienced several illnesses. Ella Joy (middle child) is facing surgery to remove her tonsils in the near future.

Pray that the doors that the Lord has open in Rockford and the people that have been reached, will develop into a life discussion group and launch team in God's timing.

Samuel identifies Ephesians chapter 6 as the scripture that has been impacting their ministry and has guided them lately.