Friday, May 01, 2009


(This letter has been sent to the Astoria Church and all Brethren churches in the Illinois-Wisconsin District.)

IL/WI District Church of the Brethren
269 E. Chestnut Street · Canton IL 61520
Phone and fax: 309-649-6008
Church of the Brethren
District Executive: Kevin Kessler,
Administrative Assistant: Emily Cleer,

April 18, 2009

Grace Bible Church of Astoria
Pastor, Leadership Team and Members
702 E. Broadway
Astoria, Illinois, 61501

Dear Sisters and Brothers of Grace Bible Church,

Grace and peace to all in the name of Jesus Christ.

We write this open letter to you with the knowledge that you have left the denomination to start an independent church. While we are saddened by the process and the outcome we wish to remain brothers and sisters committed to Christ’s message.

We were especially saddened that you did not come before District Conference as other churches have done and presented your case for resolution by the elected delegate body of the church. Had you approached us through the accepted methods outlined in the polity of the church, this disagreement would never have devolved into legal action. Your unilateral action of changing the deeds to the property violated Church of the Brethren polity which the congregation and pastors agree to follow when a pastor is ordained and installed in our Body of Christ. After you took the first legal action, changing the deeds, we were left with no other options than to go to court. We did so reluctantly, recalling that Paul had challenged the Corinthians to appoint judges which would require both sides to engage in brotherly discourse.

We recognize that the Grace Bible Church and the Illinois-Wisconsin District have wasted far too many of our resources on unproductive legal action. Seeking the mind of Christ we will not pursue any further legal action.

We continue to strongly believe, however, that a church established by Brethren, for Brethren and caring for God’s property as Brethren makes the property belong to the wider body of the Church of the Brethren. This polity of the Church of the Brethren was put into place to protect the Church of the Brethren congregations from being seized under false pretenses by persons or groups influencing the congregation to move away from Church of the Brethren values and practice.

We recognize your legal maneuver of requesting massive historical data in an attempt to bury the plaintiff in paperwork rather than engage in sincere dialogue. We are reminded of Paul’s letter to the Philippians (2:4) “Each of you should look not only to your own interests but also to the interests of others.” We are “one in the Spirit” and firmly believe in Jesus’ command to “Love our neighbors as ourselves.” He did not put any qualifications on who to love.

Acting as good stewards of Church of the Brethren property we hereby give the Grace Bible Church of Astoria full use of our property as long as they continue to function as a Body of Christ for the betterment of the Kingdom of God and their neighbor’s good. For continued use of the property we would ask for an annual remittance of one hundred dollars ($100.00) payable every Easter Sunday when we celebrate our risen Lord who sacrificed everything for us. If the Grace Bible Church of Astoria ceases to function as a church, decides to move or ceases Christian practice, the property will remain the responsibility of the Illinois-Wisconsin District of the Church of the Brethren.

Brothers and Sisters, we may continue to disagree on how to serve our Lord Jesus Christ and to love our neighbors but we should never doubt each other’s commitment to His kingdom and the Good News of life everlasting. We now ask God’s blessing on the Grace Bible Church of Astoria. We ask that the Grace of God be with you and that the Holy Spirit guide your service to his kingdom.

We are yours in Christ as you are our brothers and sisters in Christ.

(Signed by)
Kevin Kessler, District Executive
Wilbur Bowman, Leadership Chairman
Gilbert Crosby, Moderator