Friday, May 01, 2009


The Leadership Team of the District has made a conscious effort to visit many Churches in the District to meet with Pastors and members. The Team has met in the following Churches since District Conference in 2007: Hurricane Creek, Milledgeville, Oak Grove, New Beginnings, West Branch, Springfield, Neighborhood, Yellow Creek, Champaign, York Center, Dixon, Woodland and are scheduled to meet in other churches throughout the year. The Leadership Team is committed to being a relevant part of the Congregational Life of the Illinois-Wisconsin District.

At the Woodland gathering the Leadership Team finished business after a wonderful lunch prepared by the Woodland Congregation and then proceeded to Camp Emmanuel for the annual work day. The District Camping Ministry is an extremely important part of the Church and especially for the young people in the District.

If you would like someone from the Leadership Team to talk to your congregation or even bring a Sunday Message please contact the District Office. The Moderator, District Executive or some members of the Team can make arrangements to work with you on a program.

The Leadership Team asks for your suggestions on programs or areas where we can work with you to enrich our District in our quest to serve our Lord Jesus Christ. Many have taken advantage of the Mission and Mortar fund to help with local projects that require funds not readily available in a local congregation. Others have sent volunteers to work with the District Disaster Team using the tool trailer that has been assembled by the District. Some have taken advantage of the seminars, retreats, and continuing education classes that District Ministry Teams have organized. Still others have been supporting the Church plantings being guided by the New Church Development Team.

Your District is a vibrant, dynamic body among a scattered, diverse community of the Church of the Brethren. Help us to help you as servants of Christ. We must continue to remember that Jesus commanded us to Love and serve our neighbor. “We are one in the Spirit.”